Most Valuable Tweet: 10/31/11

Here’s our latest first running feature here at CAC to the ‘CAC, the Most Valuable Tweet a.k.a. the best tweet I saw today.

Our inaugural MVT goes to our own Ty Xanders (@tyxanders) who tweet this gem:

“This black lady waiting at the lightrail stop is definitely participating in Mustache Madness”

It gets better.

Steve Kazimer (@kazimer9) chimed in with corroborating Twitter testimony:

“@swanklax i have witnessed this lady on several occasions”

So what we have is some unfortunate lady patrolling the Baltimore area with a mustache so distinguished that not only did Ty notice it, but Kaz knew exactly who he was talking about. Wow. That has to be one hell of a lady ‘stache. Could it be worse than this or this?

Two thoughts here. Can we stop desecrating the good name of the mustache by calling hair on a woman’s upper lip a mustache? We need a new name for this nauseating phenomena. I’m open to suggestions. Also, ladies, please handle your body hair. I know you know that hair is there. Why tolerate it? Wax it. Shave it. Nair it. Fucking burn it for all I care. Get it out of my sight. This doesn’t just go for mustaches. I used to know this girl, beautiful, funny, well put together, the complete package. Well, except for the fact that she had hair on her arms thicker than the Black Forest. Gah. Dealbreaker. The moral of the story, as always, is conform to your gender role or you might get made fun of on some obscure lax blog.

Want to be featured on MVT or think a tweet you saw is worthy? Just tweet @swanklax and you may find your handiwork here.

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